Pinocchio by the Jasmin Vardimon Company at Sadler’s Wells was incredible this evening.
What is it to be human? To dream, to strive, and to love. Tonight I felt the aspiration, sadness, loneliness, and love… both on stage and deep inside myself as I laughed and cried with Pinocchio.
Absolutely loved this piece of dance theatre: a wonderful choreography that brought a marionette to life, and even more amazing dancers who executed the movements.
So stunning was the movement quality that I had to rub my eyes multiple times to truly believe I was seeing real people. Nobody could possibly move like so?! No dancers could possibly partner so well and be so coordinated?!?!?! Especially memorable scenes include: chapter 1 when Pinocchio first came alive, chapter 4 at the Marionette Theatre (insane puppet work whereby two dancers controlled a third “puppet” dancer), chapter 6 at the Inn (especially the human ceiling fan and the two lovers who were portrayed by four feet), and chapter 13 when Pinocchio was taunted and bullied (and when I cried and others audibly gasped). Other beautiful moments: the Fairy and the start/ending scene with a chain of dancing toys.
Creative set design that floated in the air. Expressive lighting design that enhanced several key scenes.
Wish I had come yesterday and seen the show a second time.