“Charlie” by Jess Hendricks

New York Moves (11/20)

Hurricane benefit concert at Peridance Capezio Center organized by Shelly Hutchinson.

“Charlie” is a dramatic 13-minute dance theatre by Jess Hendricks and Mark Caserta, that I interpret as a reflection of our current political climate. It also features gorgeous aerials that require not only intensity but stamina. Kudos to the dancers for a great performance and leaping through the air for the whole 13 minutes.

Choreographer: Jess Hendricks and Mark Caserta
Dancers: Jared Sprague, Kevin Murakami, Shelby Nunn, Andreas Jovovich, Sydney Mesher, Andrew Mulet, Amanda Mitchell, Riah Seymour, Sarah Nelson, Croix Dilenno, Niko Martinez
Photographer: Jason Chuang