Children of Syria

Dancing for a cause at the Next Stage Project Showcase.

Many forms of movements tonight. The most striking, I thought, in its simplicity but also beauty, was the silent solo “Memory Current” danced by Miki Orihara and choreographed by Adam Barruch.

I like a couple pieces that took on a more literal interpretations of tonight’s theme. “Yes is here, no is also here” by Alexandra Beller is poetry-like, blending together spoken words, recorded audio, and movement, and challenges us to think about the current political state.

“You may say I’m a Dreamer” by Justin Yoon Sang Jo delivers a simple statement about peace through sign language, upbeat music (“Imagine” by John Lennon), and some fun movements.

Also, lovely dancing from the Hutchinson Collaborative and Lauren Wolter in “Days of the Open Hand.”