Ballade: The Rain Song

The 36th annual Battery Dance Festival opened tonight with poetry reading by Riyadh Mohammed and dancing by Hussein Smko.

The piece is a part of the “Combating Islamophobia Through Spoken Word and Dance” project, established by Battery Dance as a tribute to Adel Euro — a young and inspiring Iraqi dancer, mentored by Battery Dance, but tragically killed by a suicide bomb in July 2017. For more information, visit Battery Dance.

“Ballade: The Rain Song” (World Premier)
Speaker: Riyadh Mohammed
Dancer/Choreographer: Hussein Smko
Poetry: The Rain Song by Badr Shakir al-Sayyab
Photography: Jason Chuang

Bryant Park Ballet Festival

The Bryant Park Ballet Festival continues tomorrow (Friday 6pm) with the Ashley Bouder Project, Continuum Contemporary/Ballet, Doug Baum and Artists, Island Moving Company, and Thomas/Ortiz Dance.

Summer in New York City means outdoor dancing everywhere. Go enjoy some incredible dance performances! Here is a throwback to watching Thomas/Ortiz Dance last year. Love their beautiful lines and gorgeous costumes. I can’t wait to be back in town!

Choreographers: Ted Thomas and Frances Ortiz
Dancers: Thomas/Ortiz Dance
Photographer: Jason Chuang

The Durga Project

Throwback to watching Battery Dance at Battery Dance Festival 2016. One of the few times that I picked up my camera in recent years.

I remember enjoying the fusion of western and Indian influences in this piece. Beyond blending together ballet and jazz lines with Indian movements, I love the use of music and a story line that touches on everything from human connections to relationships and family.

Battery Dance’s New York season is this Wednesday and Thursday!

This year’s program sounds amazing: an international collaboration to examine refugees, traditions, and the current political climate. Except I’m already booked up on both nights and cannot attend. Have a great run!!! Go watch them and let me know how it is.

“The Durga Project”
Artistic Director: Jonathan Hollander
Dancers/Choreographers: Robin Cantrell, Mira Cook, Unnath H.R., Clement Mensah, Bethany Mitchell, Sean Scantlebury
Photographer: Jason Chuang